30 Classic SNES Games You Must Play Before You Die

27. Chrono Trigger

Snes Games

Arguably Squaresoft's finest hour, Chrono Trigger's time-travelling RPG is an absolute must-play. Chrono's journey to save the world from catastrophe explores a variety of time-meddling concepts, like paradoxes and future altering events, without getting too convoluted - it's basically the SNES equivalent of Back To The Future.

The superb turn-based gameplay is heavily addictive and is surprisingly tactical - characters can combine Tech Moves to unleash devastating combos, especially advantageous in defeating enemies who have grouped up.

It's easy to write the game off as a Final Fantasy clone but rather than simply copying Square's premier series, Chrono Trigger built its own legacy and remains one of the greatest games playable on the SNES.

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.