30 Greatest Video Games Of All Time

8. Metal Gear Solid

Hideo Kojima is a goddamn genius. He may constantly be pulling at the same patchwork plot-quilt and hoping that he can find enough purchase to string out another game, regardless of the lengths needed to go by way of resurrecting characters or retconning story-beats, but the very fact that the Metal Gear games have touched upon so many wider-reaching themes without completely collapsing under their own weight, is nevertheless amazing. Back in 1998 though only those with a vested interest in the games media knew of Kojima, yet it was with the Hollywood-esque sensibilities of Metal Gear Solid that he announced his arrival and suitably took residence on the Most Cinematic Game throne, never to be moved. We all know the story of Solid Snake these days, and we've all seen the memes and the parodies of David Hayter's surprised "A surveillance camera?!" line-reads, but the points remain; the then more straightforward story, the perfect bringing to life of East-meets-West character designs and portrayals, along with some of the most fun and innovative game design in history all mean MGS is just as much of a heavyweight big-hitter today as back then.
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