30 Greatest Video Games Of All Time

7. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

It's a testament to Shigeru Miyamoto's Pixar-like ability to create loveable characters that only get better with age that even today if you can get your hands on an N64 (or a ROM if you must) and fire up Ocarina of Time, it'll still give the character design and worlds on offer from today's RPGs a real run for their money. For many people this is their number one, and depending on your penchant for exploration and a lack of exposure to open-world gameplay at the age you first played, it's not hard to see why. Yes we're using the term 'open-world' and although by today's standards that term has grown Attack on Titan-style to the world-dominating size of GTA V, back in 1998 this was revolutionary. With multiple re-releases under its belt - and the latest being the fantastic 3DS version - Ocarina's unique method of storytelling, with one of the most memorable villains of all time in the hulking Ganondorf, definitely deserves its spot in any list of gaming's greats. But the less said about The Water Temple the better though, surely?
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