30 Greatest Video Games Of All Time

4. Final Fantasy VII

Another candidate for the top spot, and one that regularly tops the charts is FF7, thanks in no small part to a collection of some of the most beloved characters in gaming. Even today the ridiculously simplistic graphics may put people off, but therein lies the charm. Chances are if you've played FF7 before, you actively love Barret's arm-flailing animation when he gets annoyed, or Cloud's little shrug that comes at the best moments in the story. With only the previously mentioned Ocarina of Time giving us a cavalcade of characters we actually fell in love with, it was FF7's treatment of them - the friendships forged over time and the losses encountered along the way - that elevated this into legendary territory. That's not to mention the battle system either, which to this day the accessible-yet-deep managing of your Materia magic is something that many would say has barely been topped (possibly by FFX's Sphere Grid). Yes to modern players the static camera angles and incessant random battles may put them off, but for all that FF7 proved you could do with the medium it remains a landmark title that's easily re-visitable regardless of how thick your nostalgia-specs are.
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