30 Greatest Video Games Of All Time

3. Mass Effect 2

What could beat the illustrious Final Fantasy VII you ask? Well here we are; a game that solidified what we all thought throughout the first Mass Effect; that this world was on-par - if not better - than that of Star Trek, or at least the most well-realised of any fiction. With a heap of space-racism fleshing out the backdrop to your own tale as a custom-designed soldier known only as 'Commander Shepard', humanity's standing in the galaxy was for once not very well known, uniting every gamer through this shared aspect of ourselves, and pulling on the underdog strings in the best way possible. Following on from the phenomenal first game, ME2 killed off your Shepard character before resurrecting them under the guidance of your former antagonistic force Cerberus, meaning right off the bat you had a sense of duality going forward. It was a fantastic and unique innovation that saw you interacting with your former squadmates in a way that propelled the narrative side of the game into another realm entirely. With multiple-choice dialogue options and a combat system that liberally borrowed from Gears of War yet also gave you on-the-fly squad commands and a wealth of spells in the form of Biotic powers, ME2's narrative prowess is utterly unmatched, with the most meticulously-crafted universe in any entertainment property from the last decade, regardless of medium.
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