39 WTF Moments From E3 2015

35. Guerrilla Games Are No Longer Making Killzone?

Since 2004, Guerrilla Games hasn't made a single game that isn't a Killzone title. They've developed all but one of the six games in the franchise, and as such it was a major shock at E3's Sony conference when Guerrilla showed up and announced that they would be "leaving behind" Killzone for a new IP, which of course turned out to be the tantalising Horizon: Hero Dawn. The game has an undeniable aesthetic similarity to Killzone despite the obvious change in style (from first-person to third), but even so, it's a genuine surprise that, after Shadow Fall's success as a PS4 launch title, the series will either be passed off to another developer or possibly benched while Guerrilla explores other possibilities. The latter would certainly be more favourable, given how catastrophically franchises can deteriorate during transitional periods.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.