39 WTF Moments From E3 2015

33. The Super-Nervous Guy Presenting Unravel

https://youtu.be/vHJMMMka8UE?t=1056 During EA's press conference, they showed off one unexpected and enticing game by the name of Unravel, though getting almost as much social media coverage as the game itself was the rather nervy presence of Martin Sahlin, Unravel's Creative Director. The poor guy was clearly petrified by appearing on the E3 stage, and in one awkward moment, tried to talk with the doll of protagonist Yarny he brought to the stage with him, though smartly thought better of it and moved on after a quick, "Hi!" Rather than tear him apart for his fast speaking, shaking and heavy breathing, he won the hearts and minds of gamers over because of his clear passion for his project and gaming as a whole, which isn't exactly something most expected to see during an EA conference of all places. By any measure, it was more convincing than the parade of stuffed shirts and corporate suits that populated the show.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.