4 Reasons Why BioWare Owes Us A Star Wars Gaming Do-Over

3. The MMO Was A Cheap Shot

184188_S When I first heard that BioWare was finally going to finish the KotOR story I was ecstatic, but that joy was turned to pure disgust when I learned it would be in MMO format. If you€™re wondering why I hate standing around listening to adolescents bicker and shout racial epithets at perfect strangers while playing a game that screams single player but suggests that I€™m playing with others in a way that makes zero (and I mean zero dammit) sense, then I have to ask, €œWhy do you like that crap?€ Single player games have their place on the shelves of video game stores, and this idea that I can€™t really enjoy a game unless someone is playing with/against me is akin to saying I can€™t enjoy a good book without going to book club. Knights is the ultimate single player game, perfectly engrossing and enthralling. Taking that formula and adding the crush of trolling internet bottom feeders is not my idea of a good time. It€™s literally like paying a monthly fee to sit in a junior high lunch room complete with KKK and pedophile tables.

Dante R Maddox got started in writing about pop culture in 2007. He developed his conversational style majoring in English and minoring in speech communication, his desire to write as if he were speaking to the reader face to face was the bane of many professors. An odd blend of geek cred and regular fella chic', you're just as likely to end up talking about baseball or politics as you are about comic books and movies (just don't mention Tucker Carlson, you are addressing the man who will go to jail for assault in the future after all). He wrote a book called The Lineage of Durge that's available on Amazon for a small amount of money, he's writing a second while acting as Editor-in-Stuff over at Saga Online Press, there is a graphic novel expansion of his book series also in the works as well as continued development of his cheesecannon, one day Canada...one day (Seriously, a piece of ham, you slice it up and now it's bacon?!?!? I say thee nay!!!)