41 Must Buy Video Games Of 2014

32. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z €“ March 4th (PS3, 360, PC)

Here€™s a very intriguing game because it€™s clearly Ninja Gaiden, but in no way, shape, or form Ninja Gaiden as we know it. I€™m willing to bet that the only parallels they€™ll share are their unrelentingly difficult combat mechanics. Players will assume the role of Yaiba, a two-bit generic ninja whom you€™ve apparently killed before in a previous game as Ryu Hayabusa himself. Yaiba is out for revenge, but the tone of the game is beyond crude and full of vulgar and sexual humor. No matter which version of Ninja Gaiden 3 you played, it wasn€™t that amazing so here€™s hoping that Yaiba is successful in turning the franchise on its head. http://youtu.be/5BuVfeDhQHI

31. Dark Souls 2 €“ March 11th (PS3, 360, PC)

We€™re going from one difficult game to another here, although realistically Dark Souls 2 will probably be significantly harder. The tagline for Dark Souls was simply €œPrepare To Die€ and I€™m here telling you upfront, prepare to die constantly some more. They say failure breeds success and that€™s exactly the mindset you need to have when roaming the perilous Dark Souls level design. There€™s also sure to be more brilliant gothic art design and gruelingly tough bosses to topple.

30. Titanfall €“ March 11th (360, XBO, PC)

Respawn is primarily composed of developers that worked on the Infinity Ward line of Call of Duty games, or in more bold yet truthful terms, the good Call of Duty games. Titanfall is still centered on multiplayer €“ so much which the game€™s loose envisioning of a Campaign is spliced into multiplayer matches €“ but it€™s looking refreshing. Having multiple classes of mechs to hop into will add some much needed depth to a stale formula, especially when you can dismember opposing mechs and crush them with their own scraps of metal. Titanfall has a legitimate shot at becoming the first must-play multiplayer game of the new generation. http://youtu.be/caiIamHIzBY

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.