4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

With the success of Batman Arkham Asylum, the stigma of bad Superhero games had ended. Unfortunately Marvel have yet to achieve that sense of accomplishment with their games, although one did have potential. It's hard to believe that a game based on a movie was a whole lot better than its source material, but that's what X-Men Origins: Wolverine did. Sadly the story was a complete mess, but that wasn't what drew players, it was the opportunity to unleash their inner berserker. Unlike its 12 rated counter-part, the game was rated 18, much to Wolverine fans delight. The bloody ruthless was incredibly satisfying, as pestering soon to be ripped apart enemies felt the savagery Wolverine is infamous for. Another cool feature was the showcase of his healing factor, as he sustained a substantial amount of damage, it exposed muscle tissue, gaping wounds and his adamantium bones, then given time, his accelerated healing fixed everything in a matter of seconds. Raven Software confessed their fandom for the character which showed in the gameplay. So why not take a risk and let the original developers make their own game, get to it Activision!