5 Best & 5 Worst Video Game Sequels Of This Generation

5. The Good... Red Dead Redemption

Although I€™m fully aware everyone reading this is a well informed, seasoned gamer, it may surprise some of you to learn that Red Dead Redemption is in fact a sequel. Back in 2004 Rockstar San Diego released Red Dead Revolver, a mission based game set in the old west that received a rather lute warm reception from both the press and players alike. Red Dead Redemption didn't break cover until 2009, when it did the influence of certain other Rockstar franchise was clear to see. Far more than just Grand Theft Auto IV on horses though, Rockstar described Red Dead as "more ambitious than GTA IV" and "the ultimate open world game". Whether it lived up to those bold statements is up for debate, but what isn't questionable, is the gigantic leap made in this sequel.

I like videogames. Feel free to contact me @TarakFord