5 Best & 5 Worst Video Game Sequels Of This Generation

6. The Bad... Test Drive Unlimited 2

Test Drive as a series has been around for a long time, but it never managed to produce a real top of the line success, until Test Drive Unlimited. The first ever MMORG or massively multiplayer online racing game, car fans embraced TDU ensuring the island of Oahu was alive with the sound of engines years after the game released. Test Drive Unlimited 2 looked poised to become one of the best games in the entire genre. Featuring a brand new island in the form of Ibiza, a day/night cycle, weather effects, off-road cars, and not to mention the entire island from the first game, how could it go possibly fail? With massive day one server issues, that's how. The MMO was missing from Unlimited 2 for nearly a week, leaving players outraged and no doubt costing Eden Games thousands of sales.

I like videogames. Feel free to contact me @TarakFord