5 Best & 5 Worst Video Game Sequels Of This Generation

2. The Bad... Dragon Age 2

Bioware are the only developer to appear on this list twice, sadly though Dragon Age 2 is not here because it's a stellar example of a sequel done right. With Mass Effect 2 Bioware managed to increase the game's mass appeal without sacrificing what made the game great in the first place, they tried the same trick with Dragon Age 2 but failed in quite spectacular fashion. A more linear experience, with simplified controls and bland repetitive environments, Dragon Age 2 has been accused of dumbing down for consoles but that theory never really sat well with me because last time I checked, console gamers had just the same aversion to crap games as those on PC. Either way Dragon Age 2 is certainly a rare low in Bioware's normally impeccable record, a reminder even the best developers can produce a dud every now and then.

I like videogames. Feel free to contact me @TarakFord