5 Best XBLA Games Of 2012

2. Trials Evolution

I€™m sure everyone is aware and has probably downloaded this fantastic title already but it still needs to make an appearance on this list. The sequel to Trials HD, Trials Evolution really raises the bar and revs up the excitement when it comes to sequel production, with everything an improvement on the first game. To be fair, the difficulty level has been lowered slightly compared to Trials HD, but for the not so hardcore gamer like me, that was a welcome experience to get more joy than frustration this time around. The multiplayer is addictive, the track generator ridiculously impressive (see my previous article) and the learning curve steep for beginners, but experienced Trialists will feel right at home on their bike of choice. It is hard to create a game that has that €œjust one more try before I take my already turtle necking dump€ experience but Trials Evolution has no problems in capturing this and will do for some time to come. If you€™re the one person who has not downloaded yet then shame on you, get it for Christmas, and for the rest of us, I heard (insert competitive friends name here) has just beat your time on Gigatrack, what are you waiting for?


You're my bro! Not my brother.