5 Classic Games That Just Got Better With Age

2. Worms Armageddon

If there is a gamer out there that has not used their digits to guide a Worm around a battlefield while trying to hide from flying sheep, then I pity them. The Worms series from Team 17 has been a successful venture throughout the years, coming in various releases and guises, Worms Golf anyone? Me neither. The most recent effort Worms Revolution left a stale taste in my mouth as something seemed lost, not as fun or fluid as previous entries which led me to revisit this PC classic. Worms Armageddon, released in 1999 is still played online by a small but hardcore community to this day via WormNet, and received various updates by two loyal fans into 2010 that Team 17 happily made available. The customisation on offer for a multitude of match types was jaw dropping, from deciding match lengths, editing terrain, to which weapons can or can€™t be used. I usually despise turn based games but the charm and hilarity of Worms bypasses my hatred for the genre. I spent hours upon hours fighting it out with friends and family in Worms Armageddon, applauding my own inch perfect grenade throws and seething at those who returned the favour. Never has a game made me ecstatically happy with a close fought victory, or inconsolably furious at a loss. The tactics that play out in any game is almost chess-like as you have to think one or two moves ahead of your opponent making victory all the more satisfactory as you planned your moves and didn€™t strike it lucky with a crate drop. The sequels after this Worms game are by no means bad, but it€™s the size and scope that is on offer in the original Worms Armageddon that makes it the best game of the series, and one that still holds up to today online and offline.
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You're my bro! Not my brother.