5 Classic Games That Just Got Better With Age

3. Mario Kart 64

I always thought this was the best entry into the Mario Kart series and when I recently played it again I stick by my decision. The second game in the Mario Kart franchise, sure the SNES version was fantastic at the time, but it doesn€™t control or play as fun as I remember it as a little child. Mario Kart 64 strikes the right balance of fun and competitiveness, especially if you€™re revving up the battle mode with four of your friends. The graphics are what we have come accustomed to in the Mario Kart world, bright and cute with trademark sound bites from the characters themselves as you whizz past or stop them in their tracks with a strategically placed banana. The courses were a big step up from Mario Kart on the SNES considering they were in 3D. Although not a lot of them, they all had multiple shortcuts which were a joy to find and master with their design being so enjoyable a few of them made a return to the recent Mario Kart 7 on the 3DS. There were no gimmicks such as two people on the one Kart or gliders appearing while in mid-air; it was just your driving skills partnered with your weapons against the rest. Mario Kart 64 is a true racing classic that is still as playable today as it was the first time around.
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