5 Delightfully Obscure Easter Eggs You Missed In Portal 2

1. Turrets In The Nursery

Portal 2 Turret This reference takes the top spot on this list because of it's ability to cross the boundaries between games and reality. Anybody whose ever picked up a personal turret from the likes of Forbidden Planet (or any other good alternative retailer) can attest to that. In the game you see turret's being assembled and packed for shipment which almost seems pointless given the collapse of civilization (or so you'd assume) in the years previous. You might even wonder where the finished turrets actually go and if there are nothing but warehouses and warehouses of finished and packed turret's ready to be shipped? You see the turret box at various points throughout the game, but the side of the packaging with the most surprising information is only visible in the room where Wheatley tries to kill you with a circle of faulty turrets. According to this illustration sentry turrets were designed - or at least marketed - with the intention of nursery protectors. That might explain their soft voices and gentle tones. I also want to give full credit to the makers of the official 'Turret Sentry' action figure which features the same - identical - artwork upon it's side. Full credit for detail. Personally I'm only disappointed you can't get a real life sized turret to guard your nursery. Life sized turrets have been made by fans and are available through certain custom outlets, but without those soft tones and the ability to attack intruders its just not the same.

First studied Journalism in Ireland in 2003, returning to Sunderland University on the tenth anniversary of my first studies in the subject to continue towards an MA. Interested in all sorts including WWE, Music, Film, TV and Games. Has travelled around a bit to places like California, Ontario and Mexico and plans to do more of the same soon again. Recently I've been writing pieces on my favourite topics which have included obscure theme music from nostalgic shows, Guns N' Roses and a few other surprises I'll be happy to share in time!