F-Zero has been absent for the whole of the Wiis lifespan and its probably for the best. Dont get me wrong I love F-Zero but I cant imagine the Wiimote was really designed for the skill and twitch-based racing that an F-Zero game demands. With the Wii Us more traditional button layout (in the loosest sense, as there is a dirty great big touch screen lying between those traditional buttons,) its time for a revisit. The Wii U controller would obviously be great for displaying your map, standings, rear view mirror and all the little interface features that can easily clutter the screen, but lets dig a little deeper than that. Imagine piecing together amazing custom tracks using the Wii U's touch screen, then having the ability to share those tracks with others via MiiVerse. You could even expand on a F-Zero GX feature by letting you design your own decals and paint jobs for your vehicles by literally drawing them on with a stylus. With this being Nintendos first fully online capable console with an F-Zero title, we would also finally have the ability to get a online multiplayer mode that the game so thoroughly deserves, 20-30 racers on screen online would be absolutely insane. Throw in a multiplayer Death Race and Im sold.