5 Great Spider-Man Video Games (And 5 That Sucked)

Web-zipping his way from console to console, a few games failed to make our Spider-Sense tingle.

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions

Is there a gamer on this Earth that wasn't at least impressed by Marvel's Spider-Man on PS4?

Becoming an instant classic and arguably one of the best superhero games to debut since Batman's Arkham series, as we impatiently await the sequel, there's no time like the present to take a look back at the many other Spider-Man titles that graced our consoles.

Our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man has appeared in more than 50 games, many of which were his own titles. From the arcade and Atari to PS4 and mobile apps, the web slinger has given us hours of game play.

Unfortunately, some of those hours were not time well spent.

Now that we're spoiled with a fantastic open-world game that captured the essence of Peter Parker, it's easy to forget about the droves of other Spider-Man games we've been given over the last 30+ years.

There are a handful of similar games that rank in the elite with Marvel's Spider-Man but most of them are surrounded by mediocre to poor attempts that feel more like cash-grabs than quality efforts.

10. Great: Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4)

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions

At the risk of sounding painfully obvious, Marvel's Spider-Man is a phenomenal game.

Granted, every title has its flaws and there are some gamers who will wave off the PS4 favorite as a Batman rip-off. Still, it's hard to argue that this game isn't packed from start to finish with nearly everything a Spider-Man fan (or video game fan, for that matter) could want.

The story itself is amazing and we can only hope that something similar will play out on the silver screen one day. In between the main missions, the secondary missions are engaging enough to warrant playtime in itself. Combine that with the three bonus DLC stories and there's more than enough to play through.

We could go on and on about the huge variety of costume options, upgrades, characters, and Easter eggs that fill every nook and cranny, but these treats would be highly watered down without the game's stunning visuals and slick mechanics.

Some of the challenges are a little more difficult to master than others, but for the most part, a gamer of any skill level can successfully and enjoyably play this game. Fingers crossed that the sequel is even better.

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