5 Great Spider-Man Video Games (And 5 That Sucked)

7. Sucked: The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions

From one of the best Spider-Man sequels to one of the worst, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 received a bit of a beating in reviews. While many were accepting of an average film tie-in, others weren't so kind. On the plus side, it was a standard game for anyone that loved spending a few hours with their favorite wall crawler.

On the downside, it wasn't innovative or imaginative. One may think that little harm can be done by releasing a run-of-the-mill game, but we're not talking about just any character here. Spider-Man's legacy, his video game presence not withstanding, warrants exceptional treatment.

In the eyes of many fans, if you can't create an amazing Spider-Man game, why make one at all?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was a lukewarm entry. It was enjoyable, but lackluster at times. Minor complaints about graphics or combat mechanics were perhaps more frustrating due to the absence of truly great features.

This game felt familiar, but not in a nostalgic way. Thankfully, it was the final movie tie-in and spared us from potentially receiving another seemingly rushed, messy game.

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