5 Hardest Optional Gaming Bosses That Are NOT Worth The Trouble

3. Queen Sigrun (God Of War)

God of War Valkyrie

2018's God Of War pretty much took everyone by surprise. No one was expecting it to be as good, as emotional, and generally as transcendent compared to its earlier titles, which could be described as immature at the best of times.

One area this game particularly excelled at were the boss fights, but in case you found that the story's final boss wasn't as hard as it should've been, then don't worry you little masochist! Because this game has the remedy to that in the form of the Valkyries.

These super tough boss fights all lead up the toughest of them all, Queen Sigrun. This boss will more often than not mop the floor with you, if you don't spend pretty much the rest of the game grinding specifically for the showdown with her.

It's a tough but rewarding boss fight, but the problem is, much like with Sephiroth, she's pretty much the last obstacle in the game. After you beat her, the game is more or less over, so any goodies you get out of the bargain are officially useless.

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God of War
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?