5 Hardest Optional Gaming Bosses That Are NOT Worth The Trouble

2. Ozma (Final Fantasy IX)


Ever wanted to be reduced to a fine red mist by a giant floating beach ball of doom? Well then, my friend, you'll be wanting to go up against Ozma, the super secret boss of Final Fantasy 9.

Ozma is, without question, one of the toughest bosses in the Final Fantasy franchise, top 5 easy. And mind you, this is a franchise with a mountain sized turtle that literally takes hours to whittle down. Ozma is tougher because, while Adamantoise takes forever because of the sheer amount of health he has, Ozma takes forever because of that, AND because he hits like 17 and 3/4 dump trucks on steroids.

Ozma hits faster and harder than anything else in the game, and you shouldn't even try to take him on until you're all completely maxed out and have more potions than you know what to do with. What makes him not worth it is just what it takes to get to him. You have to do ALL of the chocobo missions before you even get a chance to fight him. That's basically another 40-50 hours of content on top of everything else this game has, so you'd better be dedicated to it the minute it shows up.

Now, if you do get to the last chocobo garden, you might be tempted to take on Ozma purely on principle. But we recommend otherwise.

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God of War
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?