5 Japanese Gaming Trends That Never Took Off In The West

2. Japanese Role-Playing Games

Persona 3

In Western markets, any Japanese Role-Playing Game (or JRPG) that isn't named "Final Fantasy" or "Dragon Quest" usually never amounts to more than a cult classic. Usually, the "Elder Scrolls" and "Mass Effect" series overshadow them. BioWare co-founder Greg Zeschuk complained about the genre that, "They kept delivering the same thing over and over. They make the dressing better, they look prettier, but it's still the same experience". That tends to sum up Western gamers' issues with the genre: The games are repetitive with grinding and stories are rigid, unlike the infinite gameplay and narrative flexibility enjoyed in "Skyrim". Unfortunately, the genre seems to be declining in Japan itself, while more and more companies decline to localize games for international markets in response to lagging U.S. sales.

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