5 Major Problems Rockstar Face With Red Dead Redemption 2 

2. A Blockbuster Release With Deliberately Slow Pacing

Red dead redemption 2

The original Red Dead Redemption was a sprawling, open-world map that left the player plenty of time to relax, breathe and take-in the scenery while galloping around the map.

These long, winding treks through the North American landscapes were partly why gamers hold this game in such high regard. This style of game design is also seen in games such as The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker as you sail the seas, or more recently in No Mans Sky through space-travel.

The problem that Rockstar San Diego face, is balancing this sense of size, scale and pacing with a more mainstream desire to offer gamers the fast action and explosive thrills of best sellers such as the GTA, Uncharted or Halo.

It will be difficult to strike this balance between what some see as 'boring', and others view as giving the game room to breathe.
