5 Most Disappointing Boss Battles In Gaming

1. Charles Lee - Assassin's Creed III


If Mehrunes Dagon was the Herald for being defeated by a scripted sequence, this long winded, pompous, pseudo intellectual would be the poster boy. Charles Lee spent the entire game being groomed and praised for his "strategic brilliance," when all he truly accomplished was being a sycophant who's capable of burning down nearly defenseless villages, beating up small children, monologuing, and having an admittedly good voice actor. Unfortunately, all that voice does for the majority of the game is spout rhetoric and hyperbole. Lee was the reason for Connor's upbringing and is partially responsible for his cold, distant personality. He killed Connor's mother, turned his best friend against him, tried to kill him several times over the course of the game, and is basically the reason for why Connor's life has become so difficult. Oh, he also aided in the assassination attempts on George Washington's life.


After spending the entire game just waiting to kill this ignorant bastard, I was finally given the opportunity. Cracking my knuckles, I began a chase sequence, dodged several explosions and guards, went into a building, and then I saw him. This was it! And then I was given a cutscene. In this cutscene, we both fall through the floor, landing in our own respective positions. Lee manages to get up before Connor does, spouts even more of long winded rhetoric, and escapes. The last portion of this mission is Connor hobbling towards what appears to be a pub. You are then given another cutscene where Connor walks in, has a drink with Lee, stabs him in the heart, and takes back his necklace. There wasn't even a final discussion between the two. That was it. The game had not only finished itself, but it finished itself with a whimper. I'd like to thank you for reading this top 5 list. I'll create another one, in time. Have a grand day, reader!

Greetings! I am David, also known as the "Unsatisfied Analyst". I'm a fan of video games and, while enjoying the majority that I play, I am very critical of flaws and feel that they need to be addressed just as often as the positives are praised. I appreciate any constructive feedback that you have to offer.