5 Potential Games That Would Be Stunning On Next Gen

3. Uncharted 4 (PS4)

I'm going to admit that I'm not Uncharted's number one fan. Sure, I like it and I can appreciate the level of quality and hard work that has gone into the game, but I don't find that it is an experience that really stays with me when I turn my PS3 off. I totally get why people love it, but it just doesn't seem to resonate with me on that level. Saying that, the games are a great example of what the PS3 offers gamers. Uncharted 4 is undoubtedly coming. I, along with many others, was surprised that it wasn't announced at E3 or Gamescom, but I get why it wasn't. Naughty Dog wants the dust to settle on The Last Of Us, their latest masterpiece, before they move on, and The Last Of Us is the main reason that I am particularly psyched to see what Naughty Dog can do with the new tech. The Last Of Us looks beautiful and once again, it's an example of how the current gen can still surprise people. Naughty Dog's next game is Uncharted 4 on the PS4, surely, and they have my attention.

Chris McGeorge is a 22-year-old author, who has passion for video games, films and television. Whenever he is not knee deep in a manuscript, he can usually be found strolling the streets of Los Santos or trying to wrap his head about a new JRPG battle system.