5 Reasons Afterparty Is The Best Game Of 2019 You Never Played
5. ...But Its Story Still Hits Home
On the surface, Afterparty's story is some pretty straightforward silly fun: two friends go to hell, which is run like the goddamn local council, by the way - we still know who we'd rather deal with though. To get out they have to beat Satan himself in a drinking contest and along the way they get into hijinks with a number of oddly lovable torture demons.
But beneath all this is a story of surprising depth, and one that is almost completely universal. What transpires over the course of five hours or so is a tale that will be relatable to absolutely everyone who's ever been in their twenties with no idea what they're going to do with their life and being faced with the prospect of losing touch with those you love as soon as there's even the slightest bit of distance between you.
Afterparty's underlying message isn't that hell is other people, or that it's fire and brimstone, but rather it's the hell we create for ourselves through the neuroses and anxieties that we've conveniently collected throughout lives. Good times.