5 Reasons Afterparty Is The Best Game Of 2019 You Never Played

2. Satan

afterparty game
Nighty School

Man, oh, man! Okay, if Satan is real and if he is anything like he is in Afterparty, then sign me the hell up. I'll dust off my robes, satanic bibles and get straight to worshipping, because man he is cool as all hell.

Stepping up to the plate to fill the very large shoes of The Prince of Darkness is none other than The Walking Dead's Dave Fennoy and Fennoy's velvety, dulcet tones lend perfectly to the character. A character who, by very definition, is the single most charming, silver tongued creature in the whole goddamn universe and, honestly, no one could have done a better job than Fennoy does.

Not only is this Satan one hell of a smooth talker, but Fennoy lends a certain vulnerability to him. You get the sense that ol' Luci is kind of done with the whole business of ruling down below. He's tired and he's world-weary... or should that be underworld-weary?

Either way, we challenge anyone not to fall in love with this hard drinking, hard partying Satan. In fact, we challenge you to a drinking contest not to.

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Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.