5 Reasons Charlie Brooker Should Make Gameswipe: Part 2

1. Things Are Worse Than Ever

Tom Unhappy

Gaming has just gotten too big for its boots and now things are worse than ever. Original content is far too expensive to develop, so developers look to copy and re-dress other designer's work. Multiplayer is pushed into everything, completely ignoring if it would be actually beneficial to the title. Casual gaming has become the main force behind the industry and now, because of gaming€™s popularity, every other company wants in. In-game advertising is becoming the norm, with Digital Rights Management destroying and aliening players who wish to stay offline. Developers falling back on DLC and patching because rushing a release date is apparently better than testing something fully, whereas making gamers pay more with DLC is fine and dandy. Quick-time events, installation times, forced grouping like Smart Glass etc, graphics over gameplay, graphics over story quality, graphics over voice acting... I could go on. In conclusion, there€™s a huge new helping of stuff going on in the industry today and I truly feel it deserves someone sitting on a sofa and moaning about it. Agree or disagree? Let us know in the comments section.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.