5 Reasons eGaming Should Be Considered A Real Sport

1. It's Fun

Maybe the most important reason to be introduced in this article, eGaming is fun to play and fun to watch, and in the end, that's the most important thing in a sport. It makes you forget about the realities of the world, it immerses you in another dimension. In a dimension where everybody is equal and yet unique. There is no good and there is no bad player. There's only experience. Gaming is a sport like no other, because it doesn't require talent. You don't need to be special to be a pro-gamer. You only passion and determination And in the end, a sport should bring out the best in each and every single one of us. A pro gamer should be an example to casual gamers just like athletes are to millions of other people. If they can make something great without any special talent, we can too.
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Gaming addict with a crazy taste in music. Still wonders why this site has no EDM section.