5 Reasons Horizon Zero Dawn Is The PS4's Most Exciting Game

2. Combat That Incorporates Strategy & Player Skill

horizon zero dawn

Open-world combat typically boils down to one attack-pattern and/or the act of constantly fighting similar enemy types. Thankfully, it seems that the devs have tried to avoid that feeling by including foes that are varied in both physical design and behaviour. This, combined with Aloy's plentiful offensive options, will hopefully make combat a blast to play.

The strategic aspect is what immediately raises the quality of these combat encounters above other games, where using the same tactics continuously isn't discouraged.

Here, enemies will come at you in their own special way, forcing you to conjure up an effective takedown method without a lot of prep time. This level of challenge will hopefully provide plenty of longevity to Horizon's plentiful encounters - especially those of its boss creatures.

If HZD's robot enemies are as smart and intense as they appear, players may need their wits about them in order to survive bringing down these massive beasts.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.