5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Wind Waker Sequel For The Wii U

2. The Nostalgia Factor

Wind Walker 247 Nintendo should take a page from Ganondorf's book and use nostalgia to its advantage. Enough time has passed since Wind Waker's release that the golden sheen of pleasant memories has descended onto it, enhancing its pluses and obscuring its minuses. Nintendo has done a very nice job of reminding players that Wind Waker exists, too. Whether he's featured as a fighter in Super Smash Brothers or starring in the HD remake of his own magnum opus, the cel-shaded adventurer has managed to stick around long enough to make players think (or hope) that he may appear in another original game. The duration of time between sequels has a huge impact on the anticipation of the players, and now is the perfect time for a full-fledged sequel. If Nintendo were to capitalize on the fond memories players associate with Wind Waker and release true-to-form sequel, they'd be raking in the cash.
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Eller likes a lot of old video games, and some new video games. Follow him on Twitter (@JordanEller) for updates about articles, but mostly silly jokes.