5 Reasons You Need To Play Telltale's Batman

1. Being The Batman

telltale batman

Let's be honest, the biggest reason to play Telltale's Batman series is to play as Batman.

The design of the suit, as well as the multitude of gadgets at your disposal are both just awesome. Everything about the character has been re-tooled to fit in a modern setting, including VR displays, holograms, drones, vision modes and other cool additions to the Dark Knight's traditional tool kit.

Telltale have also done a great job with the dialogue for Batman, too. One of my major concerns before I played was that it's hard to play Batman "your way" when he's a character I already know, and he has a pretty defined way of doing things. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that regardless of which way you're choosing to play Batman/Bruce Wayne (towards lethality or more intimidating factors), all of the dialogue choices make sense for the character.

For example, you might play a cockier version of the character, similar to his comic versions early in his career, or you might play a more brutal, angry version, in the style of The Dark Knight Returns or Batman vs Superman - or anything in between. All of these ways can be traced to comic, film, or game-inspired take on Batman's attitude and personality.


Have you been playing through Telltale's take on the Bat? Let us know in the comments!


Gamer. Grifter. Musician. Lover of Metal Gear Solid and all things Star Wars.