5 Reasons You Need To Play Telltale's Batman

2. Getting The Most From Combat And Being The World's Greatest Detective

telltale batman

Batman uses many of the game play elements that you would come to expect of Telltale. Conversation trees, relationships, and narrative decisions will largely dictate how your own experience plays out, but the game also throws some new situations in to the mixture.

Playing as Batman, you will have to fight of course, but the combat has an added layer. As you fight, successful actions will build a momentum meter that shows how focused (and brutal) the Bat is performing. Building this meter will allow you to unleash brutal finishing moves at the end of combat on your enemies, which are often a cool reward for fighting well.

Batman has no super powers, and often relies on his wits and meticulous planning in order to overcome his enemies. This is shown in game by allowing you to scout ahead with your Bat-drone, identify enemies and possible attack angles, plan out and then execute your plan of attack. It's pretty satisfying to see in to action.

It's not all fighting though.

As both Batman and Bruce Wayne, you will engage in investigations and reconstructions of crime scenes or be digging for information in public. These sections are varied and particularly with Batman you'll be linking and scanning events to recreate crimes and solve puzzles.


Gamer. Grifter. Musician. Lover of Metal Gear Solid and all things Star Wars.