5 Signs The Console Wars Are Over (Before The Next Generation Has Even Begun)

4. Unique Selling Points? What Unique Selling Points?

Kinect Microsoft has its voice and motion control system 'Kinect' . Now it seems Sony has gone in a similar direction with the PS4, the light bars on the controller being utilised by the motion capture camera so the controller could be used as a pointer. Both consoles have their own 'pay to play' online subscription services, XBOX Live and Playstation Plus. Dedicated servers = better online experience (we hope). The hardware inside the consoles is almost identical, with the PS4 being ever so slightly more powerful The 'controller debate' which often wages amongst Sony and XBOX fans will be no longer as Sony have chosen a larger, more ergonomic controller for the PS4 with other design features to match the comfort and practicality of the Xbox controller whilst retaining its identity as a Playstation controller. As HD DVD has died its inevitable death, both consoles utilize Blu-Ray drives as the PS3 did in the previous generation. Better looking and bigger games will now be available to the XBOX crowd that just couldn't fit onto anything other than Blu-Ray Price is probably the major factor on deciding which console to buy, the PS4 being £349 ($399) and the XBOX ONE being £429 ($499)
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Chris likes, gaming, TV and movies enough to complain about all of them most of the time.