5 Signs The Console Wars Are Over (Before The Next Generation Has Even Begun)

2. Microsoft Shout, Sony Listens

XBoX One Microsoft had a huge portion of console gamers with their Xbox 360 which launched worldwide around a year before the PS3 had even launched in North America. This time around the Playstation was announced 3 months before the XBOX and set the mark pretty high. For the three months following the announcement, all anyone could talk about was the PS4. Then Microsoft announced the XBOX One to a pretty poor reception. Microsoft's used game policy and Always Online DRM for the console did not please any consumers. Because of this, the XBOX One has been the butt of many jokes since. Microsoft fans will already know that on Wednesday, Microsoft went back on everything they had said about their DRM and used game policies, much to the relief of XBOX gamers. Still, from many commentaries by games journalists and console fans, many still won't buy the XBOX One because of its price tag and it's amazing that it took their audience moaning about DRM and the ridiculous used games policy for them to revert. Isn't that what market research is for?
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Chris likes, gaming, TV and movies enough to complain about all of them most of the time.