5 Star Wars Games That Should Have Been Great But Sucked

2. Star Wars: Yoda Stories

http://youtu.be/acunsYQ__94 This was a birthday present when I was a child, and as such it will always stay with me. The buzz around this game was a "Zelda-esque Star Wars game", that alone should make you want to play it. It did for me, and it was terrible. Ported from the stellar PC version, the Gameboy Colour birthed this abomination into the world and further sullied the name of Star Wars. Even before the prequel's punishment were fully inflicted. This game is composed of 15 varied missions. You play as Luke, as he progresses one square at a time, interacting with objects and enemies from eight possible directions. This is a trying experience, and with a combat experience worse than that of Obi-Wan you quickly lose patience.In this game battling Stormtroopers or anyone is near impossible, instead you just wildly flail the lightsaber back and forth. Repetition is the name of the game with enemies lacking in variety, and boring backgrounds. There are no cutscenes. Then there is the music. This is the definition of torture, and you will never want to listen to the first 20 seconds of the Star Wars theme for months after a playing this game. Oh, and once your health meter runs out, your game is over. Instead of a Star Wars Zelda, Yoda Stories is quite possibly the worst Star Wars video game ever produced... and that is saying something.
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Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on WViDesk.com. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.