5 Super Nintendo Games That Need A Next-Gen Sequel

1. Secret of Evermore

Rsz Secretofevermore2 Possibly one of the most underrated games of the Super Nintendo era, Secret of Evermore was arguably a great mix of American Style and Japanese mechanics. Developed by Squaresoft, it was an Action/RPG in the same vein as the Legend of Zelda series and using the mechanics from the Secret of Mana, the game's story followed a boy and his dog in a small town in America who accidentally discover an abandoned virtual reality machine. Of course the boy goes in and is transported to Evermore, a virtual world with extremely varied regions depending on the former real-world denizen that reigns over it. Your weapons have four different styles depending on which area you happen to be in. As you use the weapons your skill level increases as per RPG standard. The storyline is a little convoluted at first but quickly picks up pace as you're launched into it. The game is also filled with humorous moments including references to B-movies and your dog changes as you progress as well. The game was populated with detailed NPCs filling the world, the breadth that this game covered on the comparably limited hardware could be expanded immensely with the increased processing. It is very open ended and has numerous side quests and hidden items, which following the precedent set by the Elder Scrolls games, could be translated well. Tweaking the battle system to a three-dimensional field and increasing the size of the different regions combined with the game's mechanics would make for an immense and great game.

Writer, musician, and history buff. I write short stories, comedy, and various other things. Have an almost unhealthy interest in all things Doctor Who and Star Wars with a little obsession time left for video games and music. Love horror novels and fantasy most of all, Stephen King is a huge inspiration.