5 Things Nintendo Can Do Differently

4. Games Consisting Of "Multiplayer"

Super Mario 3d World Multiplayer Without a doubt, Microsoft and Sony clearly own the multiplayer market. There is no question that with games such as Battlefield or Call Of Duty, both companies do what they can to make a great experience playing these games online. Before you toss the infamous Sony security breach in the mix, keep in mind that it was Sony's first console to have that kind of multiplayer experience and hackers were going to do what they normally do with that in mind. The whole point of having that sort of atmosphere is to feel like you are playing the game with your friends in the same room... Just not there. Sony has done this with the PS4, and having Playstation Live connect users with millions playing the console in real time. Microsoft has cashed in on the muyltiplayer feel as well, having you Skype while watching Netflix. This is the same methodology that Nintendo needs to capitalize on. They have this sort of thing in its early stages, but times are rapidly changing in the gaming world. It's time to pack a camera in with a Wii U bundle, and watch the magic unfold. It doesn't need to even be a camera. Have an option to simply tap into games that others are playing, and allow users to watch others play.
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Nick is a huge gaming nerd with a love for Pro Wrestling. Follow his nerdy brain on Twitter @NiFederico