5 Things We're Looking Forward To In The New Amnesia Game

2. A New Interpretation

thechineseroom Seeing a different developer reinterpret something that already has a devout following can perhaps set off alarm bells. Sometimes it works, as in the case with Fallout when Bethesda took over creative control of the third game. But games done by massively popular and established studios are sacred to their fans. Imagine if someone else other than Valve made Half Life 2... You okay? Do you need a minute? You really hit your head quite hard then... Anyway, what makes Amnesia a good game for reinterpretation is it's popular enough to warrant a sequel, but not so popular that an independent studio can't make a great job of producing a sequel and it being well received. It will be interesting to see how thechineseroom take elements and game mechanics from the original and put their own spin on it.
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Mild-mannered head scratcher. Once did a thing while performing the stuff. Never been to Belgium. Add me on twitter @AHeatonWriter