5 Things We're Looking Forward To In The New Amnesia Game

3. No Break From The Immersion

Screen Shot 2013-07-24 at 10.50.33 With plans to alter the inventory (perhaps even remove it), thechineseroom are hoping to "remove all barriers to immersion". What this means is not quite clear, but it sounds like it could be using a tactic similar to Dead Space, where the player is constantly in the game. With this mechanic, there's maybe a real chance we'll get to experience unbridled terror without the promise of a break by, say, picking up a note and reading it knowing the monster will wait twiddling its thumbs (thumbs?) while we politely read through stranger's diaries. In the original, immersion was given a backseat while players opened their inventories or journal entries. Frictional Games (The Dark Descent's developers) may have provided this immersion-breaking method to give our hearts a chance to beat at a normal rate again. We're pretty sure A Machine For Pigs aren't going to take that into account. Hooray for heart murmurs!
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Mild-mannered head scratcher. Once did a thing while performing the stuff. Never been to Belgium. Add me on twitter @AHeatonWriter