5 Truly Insane Video Game Theories (That Are Clearly True)

3. Bloodborne - You're Drinking Menstrual Blood

Far Cry 3 Vaas

One of Bloodborne's most commonly encountered blood-stuffs are the health-restoring ‘Blood Vials’. Down on HP? Just chug an entire bottle of blood (Yum!).

However, fans have put together a compelling argument that the blood in those vials… is actually menstrual blood. This theory, far from just being a crude joke, is supported by far too much evidence to simply be a coincidence.

For example:

Special Blood Vials in the game are all given by females, the two that do not are old and pregnant, respectively. Additionally, the healing church refers to the women they home as ‘vessels of blood’, and the game constantly references and alludes to ‘cycles’ and ‘the moon’. The list of bloody strange coincidences goes on.

A tad more nauseating than most, Bloodborne's menstruation theory is a prime example of how snooping into a game's mythology can sometimes lead to findings you’d rather not know at all.

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Far Cry 3
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Writer, film fan, lover of Spider-Man, defender of Max Payne 3 and STILL not quite over Steve Irwin. See me try to be funny on twitter @NokesyPokesy