5 Video Game Characters Who Really Deserve A Holiday

4. Alan Wake (Alan Wake)

Alan Wake Alan Wake has it tough from beginning to end. Not only is his world being torn apart by his own shadow creations, his wife's missing or dead, and the body count is racking up by the second as Alan runs for his damn life. Also, he's probably missed a deadline. After all, Alan went to the lakeside town of Bright Falls to kick back, relax and write. Unfortunately, due to a mix-up with a shadow woman and a pair of impossible keys, Alan and his wife shacked up in a house on a lake that didn't exist. Sooner rather than later, his wife took a swan-dive into the lake after being pulled by some malevolent force, and the survival horror game really began. After a treacherous ten hours and an ambiguous ending, Alan Wake really needs to go on a proper holiday. He's been through enough to deserve it and he has a lot of catching up to do with his writing. He needs somewhere that can be 'peaceful' and can cater to his creative mind. Luckily, for him we have just the place. Recommended Holiday Destination: Minecraft

Chris McGeorge is a 22-year-old author, who has passion for video games, films and television. Whenever he is not knee deep in a manuscript, he can usually be found strolling the streets of Los Santos or trying to wrap his head about a new JRPG battle system.