5 Video Games That Influenced Real Life Decision Making

1. Archery Aspirations - Tomb Raider (2013)

I think we can all agree that archery is pretty cool. It's also no secret that the rebooted Lara Croft was pretty cool too. Archery as done by the rebooted Lara Croft? The coolest. While the game itself was awesome and the type of reset worthy of such a legendary video game heroine, the archery was the most fun aspect. Be it hunting slimeballs or supper, the satisfaction of planting an arrow into a target felt like the type of added touch that brought Tomb Raider from a very solid game into one of the best of 2013. After playing it through, I came to decide that if virtual archery was that much fun, real archery could only be more fun. I was going to give it a crack. Unfortunately, I live in a place (and possibly time) where expert archers aren't exactly a dime a dozen and it's kind of hard to find a place to learn. I'm still looking though, and the minute someone is willing to put a bow in my hand and teach me how to use it I'll be out on the range. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind it's a quality decision. Like this article? What games have influenced your real life decisions? Let us know in the comments section below.

Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!