5 WTF Moments That Almost Killed Resident Evil

5. Those Live Action Scenes And The Voice Acting In Resident Evil 1

Resident Evil Now this is a WTF moment, but it's also one that many look back fondly on. Nowadays the cut scenes and voice acting are laughably bad and destitute of any real emotion or threat. There's no Nolan Norths or Troy Bakers here, Capcom instead populating the game's cast with what appears to be people with absolutely no acting experience. What's more it seems they have never felt a human emotion before and can't even comprehend the concept. It's just plain odd, and whether you find it hilarious or dreadful, it drags you out of the experience, therefore nullifying what could otherwise have been some decent scares. Of course, this is Resident Evil, and the game prevailed despite this. After all this though, Resident Evil does include 'The Greatest Videogame Character That's Called Barry Of All Time'

Chris McGeorge is a 22-year-old author, who has passion for video games, films and television. Whenever he is not knee deep in a manuscript, he can usually be found strolling the streets of Los Santos or trying to wrap his head about a new JRPG battle system.