6 Anticipated Video Games That Are Still Missing In Action

2) Final Fantasy Versus XIII

It€™s been six years, SIX YEARS, since SquareEnix announced Final Fantasy Versus XIII, a kind of side story told within the of the Fabula Nova Crystallis universe €“ which basically means it€™s set in the same mythology as FFXIII and FF Type-0, and we know almost as much about it now as we did then. Six years ago what little footage we saw of the game looked pretty jaw-droppingly beautiful, but staggeringly it won€™t appear yet again at this year€™s upcoming E3. This has led to some branding it vaporware, and with SquareEnix doing very little to battle this supposition perhaps they€™re not wrong. What€™s sad about this is, based on what the team have said about the game it sounds like a promising return to some of Final Fantasy€™s roots, something that would make many FF fans squeal with childlike glee (including yours truly). The game would reportedly see the return of a world map, something we haven€™t seen since Final Fantasy IX in 2001, along with vehicles and traversable terrain. The mere prospect of that causes me, as a hardcore old-school FF fan, to salivate disgustingly. SquareEnix staff also claim that this would likely be the darkest Final Fantasy game to date. The tagline is €œthis is a fantasy based on reality€ and judging by the world€™s aesthetic, it does bear a striking resemblance to our own world, but rather than reducing its appeal this actually makes the game look all the more intriguing. It€™s skewed real-world take puts many in mind of PSOne classics Final Fantasy VII and VIII and looks extremely reminiscent of Tokyo, certainly an exciting prospect for a lot of fans. Until this year, the last we saw of FF Versus XIII was in 2010 at the Tokyo Game Show and the latest news about the game came in September of 2011 when Yoshinori Kitase said the game had €œof course advanced to 100% development power€. A full six years after originally announcing the project, you€™d damn well hope so. Then in January, SquareEnix revealed a new trailer showing off a photo-realistic approach to the game€™s visuals. That said, the lack of forthcoming information about a release date is wearing at fan€™s patience and it seems increasingly likely that this will get pushed to PS4.

When not writing Chris spends more time thinking about playing videogames than actually playing them and can usually be found reorganizing his Blu Ray and book collections. He owns four different editions of A Song of Ice and Fire and no, it isn't overkill. He's left the neon haze of Tokyo and Seoul for the more sedate streets of Bournemouth.