6 Awesome Game Over Screens Worth Dying For

4. Fallout PC (1997) - Hilariously Over The Top Narrative

Conker's Bad Fur Day
Black Isle Studios

Sometimes a game can rub in your failures to the point that of absolute hilarity. Seriously, just check out the closing message that Fallout gives you upon failure.

‘Your defeat has brought chaos to the Federation. Your cowardice and betrayal shall be known throughout the stars. Your decaying corpse will be an object for ridicule and scorn. Disgrace will follow your family for centuries.

Once adorned and worshipped by all, your rotting flesh will serve as a reminder of the price of failure.

Oh, the horrible pain of defeat…’

Ouch man, okay I failed! Not only you, but myself, my parents, my dog…

The hyperbolic message adds a degree of hilarity to your failure, as well as hyping you up for another round. It’s also a testament to the good natured sense of fun and creativity of the original Fallout development team.


Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...