6 Completely Insane Things Video Games Asked Us To Do

3. Kill The Boss - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Witcher 3 baby oven

Killing people in video games is basically considered a mandatory part of the medium these days, along with the inevitable, monthly Ubisoft sandbox release and EA trying to flog you some DLC.

We’re all pretty desensitised to a bit of old fashioned murdering by this point, but usually it’s just a faceless NPC that has to take the bullet. Enter: Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater, which forces you face off against and kill ‘The Boss’, founder of the Cobra Unit and your own leader and something of a mother figure to Naked Snake.

The game doesn’t pull any punches either, you literally have to be the one to push the button and do the deed, no cutscene get out here. The biggest blow however came when it is later revealed that, rather than being a USSR defector as we had believed, The Boss was in fact in deep cover, and allowed herself to be killed by Snake in order to prove the innocence of the United States in a nuclear attack.


Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...