6 Impossible Romantic Choices You Were Forced To Make In Video Games

2. Beyond Two Souls - Life And Death

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Beyond Two Souls is a game full of choices, with all of its 11 different endings being tied to decisions you made throughout the course of the game. The final choice can potentially be massively different from one player to the next.

Choice number 1, choose to release yourself from the pain of the mortal coil and spend eternity with your closest companion, Aiden, or choice number 2, choose life. Choose a job, choose a career, choose a family.

The tricky part is, each choice results in being either reunited with everyone who has died during your playthrough, or everyone who has survived. I’m not sure there even is a ‘right’ decision here, but I guess that means there’s also not a ‘wrong’ one either.


Video Editor and recent addition to the madness of the Gaming team, when she's not chatting about games, thinking about games, or playing games, she's streaming them on twitch. Tweet her pictures of dogs @DontRachQuit