6 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists Of 2018 (So Far)

1. The "Secret Of Onomichi" - Yakuza 6

Sometimes you just need a big ol' comic book, Metal Gear-sized twist to finish a rundown of the year's best in style.

Yakuza 6 continues this mentality in fine form, teasing the mysterious "Secret of Onomichi" that various characters won't speak of - and yet still protect - across its 60+ hour runtime.

After all this time you've narrowed the "secret" to behind a door at a dockyard... only to find it's a button. One of the characters quickly pushes it... only to reveal Onomichi's hierarchy had been guarding a literal replica of the World War II ship Yamato, hidden underneath the town and waterfront itself.

The entire dock splits apart as water floods into the secret chamber below. Parts of the environment also crumble as all our characters struggle to maintain their footing. Then, there it is: a full-size battleship springs out the ground and towers over all heroes and villains alike, blotting out the moonlight with its stupendous stature.

Ridiculous, glorious, memorable and... oh so Yakuza.

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